Climate, Resilience & Environment

Economic development efforts of most organizations, especially in the developing countries benefit from natural capital and biodiversity. However, multiple environmental challenges and risks including climate change, depletion of natural resources and population growth continue to highly affect mostly the livelihoods of the poorest and many vulnerable communities. There is hence the need to improve the livelihoods of the poorest, develop resilience to the challenges posed by climate change while ensuring positive and sustainable environmental outcomes for all.

SPANTRACK supports clients’ collaboration with stakeholders to develop environmental and climate change solutions that are crucial to protecting livelihoods and resources, ensuring sustainability, and strengthening resilience to climate change impacts. We assist clients to develop a plan of action towards a cleaner and more prosperous future, and to shift to a low-carbon economy that protects natural resources while supporting employment and economic growth.

We support our clients to achieve sustainable and fair resource governance and to reduce waste in their economic development efforts. Towards this we provide consultancy and advisory services across climate and environment disciplines from adaptation planning and resilience building to mitigation and low carbon development, disaster risk management, biodiversity conservation and environmental management. The services we offer include:

  • Building capacity for environment and social management
  • Building capacity for assessing environment and development
  • Building capacity for climate change adaptation and development of climate resilient systems
  • Building capacity for access to climate finance
  • Building capacity for enhanced circularity (circular economy) and mainstreaming policy implementation through integrated sustainable development
  • Assessments and development of environmental and social management plans
  • Supporting rural community development
  • Supporting climate change and green growth audits
  • Design and implementation of nature-based solutions to climate change