Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation

The increasing push, especially in developing countries, to improve performance of public and private sectors, necessitates support for the policy and decision makers to track progress and demonstrate the impact of projects, programs, and policies. Our results-based monitoring and evaluation experts deliver high-quality services to ensure that clients’ processes, products, and services focus on results and use of evidence to improve beneficiaries’ lives. We assist clients to implement project cycle management processes which contribute to results-based management by elaborating the steps leading to a successful outcome.


SPANTRACK supports its clients to ensure that the projects/programs they design and invest in address diverse societal issues, gaps, needs and limitations as intended, and that their key stakeholders are updated on the performance of such investment and how they can be improved. We assist clients to address these issues and to make decisions on the continuation of the project/program or redesign through collection, management, analysis and sharing of information. Our monitoring support assists clients to determine whether the project/program is being delivered as planned, reaching its intended beneficiaries, and whether resources are being utilized as planned. On the other hand, our evaluation support assists clients to generate the information needed to improve the program during implementation or to determine the extent to which the planned outcomes or impacts were realized at the end of a program. Our work thus supports adaptive management and learning, enabling the use of evaluation evidence in decision making to improve the execution and effective delivery of results.


We have implemented results-based M&E assignments at various levels and explained intricate continuing processes to ensure that evaluative evidence can support learning to improve performance, impact, and more efficient use of resources. We have carried out results-based monitoring and evaluation assignments for program/projects funded by governments and international agencies and NGOs such as World Bank, EU, SIDA, USAID, Kfw, SIDA, World Vision and GIZ among others. We provide specialized results-based M&E services such as:

  • Supporting design of projects/programs.
  • Results-based planning
  • Supporting design and implementation of M&E strategy
  • Supporting design and implementation of project/program management information systems and knowledge management systems
  • Supporting design and implementation of project/program knowledge management systems
  • Undertaking project/program baselines, evaluations (mid, ex-post and impact) and thematic studies
  • Reporting management
  • Undertaking third party monitoring
  • Capacity building on results-based monitoring and evaluation